베트남정부는 2006 3 7일 수상령 No. 50-2006-QD-TTg을 공고하여 국내에 유통되는 자국산 및 수입품중 강제품질검사 대상품목을 소관 정부기관별로 지정하였다. 또한 각 소관 정부기관은 2004 10 21일 공표된 정부령 179-2004-ND-CP에 따라 품질 검사기관을 공식 지정하여 실행하도록 규정하였다.


. 보건부 소관 검사대상품목



-      Medical Equipment & Apparatus : X-ray facilities used for common diagnosis, Fluid transfusion facilities for health care, Lead rubber X-ray protective materials, Sterilisation chambers, Sterilisatio equipment(autoclaves), Oxygen concentration monitors for patients, Oxyges enrichment machines for health care, Anaesthesia machines, Respirators, Fume hoods and/or laminar air flow cabinets, Fume hoods for microbiology, Operating lamps, Electro-puncture machines, Multi-functional operating tables

-      Vaccines : Tuberculosis vaccines, DTP vaccines, Rabies vaccines fluenzalida


  품질검사 기관: SMQCT Center(Standardization, Measurement and Quality Control Technique Centers No. 1,2,3), The Nutrition Institute, Nha Trang Pasteur Institute, Hochiminh city Hygiene and Public Health Institute and Central Highlands Hygine and Epidemiology Institute)


. 농업농촌개발부 소관 검사대상품목



-      해양양식용 사료: Fish paste, mixed fodder for prawns, Mixed fodder for crayfish, Mixed fodder for fresh water fish and basa fish, Mixed fodder for rockfish, Fodder for fauna bred in aquaculture

-      해양양식 및 양식제품(끓이거나 열을 가한 제품): Shell fish, Refrigerated aquatic creatures and aquatic products, Frozen aquatic creatures and aquatic products, frozen cultured aquatic creatures and aquatic products, refrigerated cultured aquatic creatures and aquatic products, other dried aquatic products

-      양식물(즉시 먹을 수 있는 제품):  Instant frozen aquatic products, Sshellfish, Frozen cultured aquatic products, Instant food being dried aquatic creatures, Canned aquatic creatures, Canned tuna

-      식물보호제: Herbcicides, Rat Insecticides, Breeding stimulants, Fungicides, insecticides

-      비료: Urea fertilizer, Fertilizer NPK, Nitrogen-fixing microbial fertilizer, Cellulose-degrading microbial fertilizer, Phosphat-solubilizing microbial fertilizer, Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, Single superphosphate, Microbial organic fertilizer, Microbial organic fertilizer from sugar cane refuse, Microbial organic fertilizer using solid waste, Other inorganic fertilizers.

-      식물용 약품: Veterinary medicine, and raw materials for veterinary medicine

-      동물사료: Feed, Feed concentrate


  품질검사 기관: SMQCT Center(Standardization, Measurement and Quality Control Technique Centers No. 1,2,3), The Plant Protection Department

. 산업무역부 소관 검사대상품목


  대상품목: Nitrogen ammonia fuel, Explosives and all types of imported explosives, Spare parts for explosives and all types of imported spare parts for explosives, Explosion preventingequipment specialized for coal mining in the pit.


  품질검사 기관: The Laboratory of Quang Ninh Mineral Chemistry Enterprise, The Explosive Materials Center under the Military Technique Institute- The Ministry of Defense- Hanoi


. 운송부 소관 검사대상품목


  대상품목 : Ship’s derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames, Fork-lift trucks, Lifting M/C, loading or unloading M/C, Self-propelled bulldozers(graders, scrapers, shovels, excavators, tamping  M/C, roadrollers), M/C for transportation construction, tractors, truck trailers, Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, Motor cars  and other motor vehicles for passenger transport, Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, Special purpose motor vehicles, Chassis fitted with engines, Vehicle bodies, Motor scooters and motor cycles, Trailers and semi trailers, Boilers used in transportation, Pressurized tanks used in transportation, Bridge cranes, gantry cranes, Means of railway transport.


  품질검사 기관: The Vietnam Registry Department


. 건설부 소관 검사대상품목


  대상품목: Portland Cement, Mixed Portland cement, Pozzolana Portland cement, Sulfate-resistant Portland cement, White Portland cement, Portland cement with medium exothermic, Pre-stressed steel rod concrete girdles and concrete blocks used to make floors and roves of houses


  품질검사 기관: SMQCT Center(Standardization, Measurement and Quality Control Technique Centers No. 1,2,3)





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