수입 및 유통업 관련
Decree23이 2월 12일에 발표됨.
최근에 MOT는 호치민 DPI에 서신을 보내 현재로서는 MOT가 외국투자회사의 수입 및 유통업에 대하여 어떠한 허가도 할 수 없슴을 밝힘. 베트남의무역과 유통에 대한 WTO약정에 따라 2월에 발표된 Decree23에도 불구하고 MOT는 실무에 적용할circular가 없슴을 들어 이러한 영업행위를 승인하는 것을 거부하고 있슴. Decree23은 MOT의 사전승인을 받은 경우에 지방인민위원회(호치민의 경우호치민 DPI)에서 수입 및 유통에 관한 Business licence를 새로운 외국투자자 또는 기존 투자자가동 영업을 추가하는 경우 기존 투자자에게 발급하도록 하고 있슴. 새로운 외국투자자의 경우 이business license는 투자허가서의 한 부분으로 포함될 것임.
Decree23은 외국투자회사가 유통을 제외한 무역을 목적으로만 설립되거나, 기존회사가 유통을 제외한 무역업을 신규사업으로 추가하고자 하는 경우에는 MOT의 승인을 요구하지 않음. 따라서 위 신
Trading and distribution
Decree 23-2007-ND-CP of the Government Providing Regulations for Implementation of Commercial Law Regarding Purchase and Sale of Goods and Activities Directly Related to the Purchase and Sales of Goods by Enterprises with Foreign Owned Capital in Vietnam dated 12 February 2007 (Decree 23)
The Youth Newspaper recently reported that the Ministry of Trade (MOT) sent a written response to the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Investment (HCMC DPI) indicating that, at present, the MOT will not consider licensing any foreign-invested companies to import and distribute products in Vietnam. Despite the recent issuance of Decree 23 in accordance with Vietnam’s WTO commitments in the trading and distribution sector, the MOT cited the lack of an implementing circular as the basis for its recalcitrance in approving any such licenses at this time.
Decree 23, authorizes, subject to prior written approval of the MOT, provincial people’s committees (in the case of Ho Chi Minh City through the HCMC DPI) to issue business licenses to new foreign-invested trading and distribution enterprises and already established foreign invested enterprises seeking to add trading and distribution activities (or literally, “activities of purchase and sale of goods and activities directly related to the purchase and sale of goods”). In the case of such new foreign invested enterprises, the business license would be included as part of the investment certificate issued to the new enterprise.
Decree 23 provides that foreign-invested companies established for the purpose of engaging only in import/export of products without distribution, and already established foreign-invested companies seeking to add import/export as an additional activity (again, without distribution),

문에 나온 MOT의 입장은 이러한 경우에는 해당되지 아니하나 호치민 DPI가 이를 어떻게 해석하고적용할 지는 불분명함. 아마 circular가 새로 발표될 때까지는 계속 기다릴 것으로 보임.
WTO schedule에 따르면 2007년 1월 11일부터외국투자자는 JV를 설립하여(단 최대 49% 지분보유 가능)수입 및 유통업을 할 수 있으며, 2008년 1월 1일부터는 JV는 설립하여야하나 지분제한이 없어지므로 99%까지 보유할 수 있슴. 2009년 1월 1일 부터는 JV의 설립이 반드시 요구되지 않으므로100% 외국투자법인의 설립이 가능함.
Decree23의 적용법위
(i) 재회의 도매
(ii) 재화의 소매
(iii) 재화와 용역의 구매와 판매의 agency
(iv) 재화의 수출입
Business Licence의 승인절차
1. 최초투자자 : 지방인민위원회가 신청서를 접수하나 MOT로부터 승인문서를 받아야 함.
2. 수출입(유통제외) : MOT로부터 허가불필요. 그러나 Decree23에 따를지 투자법, 기업법에 따를지는 아직 불확실함.
do not require the approval of the MOT. The MOT’s response to the HCMC DPI, as reported above, should not apply to foreign investors in this response from the MOT. So the wait continue until, presumably, a circular can be issued. In accordance with Vietnam’s WTO commitments, foreign investors should be permitted to engage in trading and distribution activities (with respect to those products permitted under the terms of the WTO commitment schedule) in the form of a joint venture with a Vietnamese party (foreign party not holding more than 49 percent of their capital) beginning from 11 January 2007. as from 1 January 2008, the limitation on the percentage of foreign charter capital is abolished (ie in theory permitting the foreign party to hold a 99 percent interest). As from 1 January 2009, the joint venture requirement is abolished and a 100 percent foreign invested enterprise in trading and distribution will be permitted (subject always to the WTO schedule of permitted products).
Who, and what activities, does it cover?
Under article 2. Decree 23 applies to all foreign-invested commercial enterprises, implying that the enterprise must be established in Vietnam. Such companies may be established only in a form consistent with international treaties and consistent with the laws of Vietnam. The following activities may be conducted under Decree 23:
(i) wholesale sale of goods;
(ii) retail sale of goods
(iii) agency for buying and selling goods and/or services;
(iv) commercial franchising; and
(v) import and export of goods.
Approval processes for business licenses
The following provisions apply in connection with the issuance of business license on the

3. 현재 외국투자기업이 수입 및 유통을 하고자 하는 경우 : MOT로부터 허가문서를 받아야 함. 그러나 기존 외국인투자법에 의해설립된 기업이 신투자법에 따라 재등록을반드시 해야하는지 불분명함. 또한business licence가 투자허가서를 수정하는형태인지 아니면 별도의 문서를 요구하는것인지 불분명함. 또한 회사가 신청서를 반드시 인민위원회에 제출해야 하는 것인지불분명하나, 일단 그렇게 추정됨.
4. 현재 외국투자기업이 유통업을 영위하는 경우 : 추가로 소매점을 open하는 경우를 제외하면 필요한 절차 없슴.
Decree23에는 business licence를 받기위한 신청서를 비교적 분명하게 언급함.
- 기본 신청서 양식(MOT에서 발행)
- WTO에 따른 투자조건을 만족한다는 설명서
- 구체적인 사업계획 내용
- 투자허가서 사본(최초 투자기업에는 적용되지 않음)
trading and distribution sector:
Licensing procedure
First time investors
The investment body (in most cases the people’s committee (PC)) will accept and process the application file, but must obtain the written approval of the MOT. The investment certificate will also act as the business registration certificate.
Import/export without distribution
No approval from the MOT
It is not clear if the application procedures.
Existing foreign invested enterprise (FIEs) with an investment certificate (under the 2005 LOE/LOI) or an investment licence (under the LFI)
PC will issue the business license after receiving written approval from the MOT.
It is not clear if FIEs established under the LFI have to re-register first under Decree 101.
It is not clear if this “business license” is in the form of an amendment to the investment certificate or a separate piece of paper.
It is not specifically stated that
the investor must issue an application file to the PC, but we assume that it does.
Existing FIEs with an existing right to distribute
Nothing, except that it must follow the procedures for additional retail sales outlets.
Under Decree 23, the application file for a business license is relatively straightforward. It must include:
• a standard application form (to be issued by the MOT);
• explanatory statement on satisfaction of the conditions (that is, how the investor and the investment satisfy the undertakings in international treaties);
• proposed business or operational contents of the activities of the enterprise (which activities it can conduct, which activities if cannot conduct, types of services permitted to be provided); and
• copy of the investment certificate (presumably, this does not apply to first-time investors).
Retail sales outlets
The business or operational contents of the enterprise must be specifically recorded in the business license. In addition, companies must submit an application to establish each retail sales outlet. Although not specifically stated, the implication is that this application is not required, however, for the first retail sales outlet. The application must be submitted to the PC where the proposed retail sales outlet will be established, and the PC must obtain a written opinion from





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